
Preschool Room Daily Schedule


9:00-10:00am Morning activity

10:00-10:25am Judaic/ Davening Circle

10:25am Snack/ Bathroom

10:45-11 : 00am  Morning Routing Circle

11:00-11:45am Outdoor play

11:45am Curriculum Learning 

12:00pm Lunch

12:30pm Storytime  


Hot lunch is served weekly on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Preschool Room Curriculum Overview 
1. Developing Sense of Self
  • Children are able to label and regulate their own feelings
  • Children feel comfortable seeking help from adults
  • Children can form significant trusting relationships with adults
  • Able to handle new situations and changes in routine
  • Learn to handle various social environments
  • Children show an understanding in choice
  • Feel comfortable participating in group activities
  • Able to recognize and keep  track of their individual belongings
  • Show respect for their school environment
  • Children are willing to clean up after themselves with a lessening amount of supervision.
  • Children will learn a sense of individuality & independance. 
2. Strengthening Gross and Fine Motor Function
  • Able to perform locomotor skills such as running, jumping and hopping
  • Further develop balancing abilities
  • Capable of climbing over and under things with ease
  • Developing their throwing, rolling and catching skills
  • Exhibit self-care skills ( feeding, dressing)
  • Demonstrates good hand washing skills
  • Able to show increasing control over small item manipulations
  • Mimic writing in play and produce some recognizable patterns
3. Socioemotional Development
  • Begin to understand and name their feelings in themselves and others
  • Learn how to wait turns and to share
  • Develop communication skills
  • Learn to cooperate in a group
  • Bond with teacher(s)
  • Start to develop conflict resolutions skills
4. Growing cognitive abilities
  • Develop problem solving through a variety of methods
  • Learn to be persistent with tasks
  • Label objects by a variety of attributes
  • Identify and create patterns
  • Participate in pretend play by themselves and in groups
  • Begin to understand the difference between real and imaginary
  • Capable of turning thoughts into a drawing or building
  • Learning to recognize the alphabet
  • Start to distinguish their name and how to write it
  • Foster the ability to verbalize thoughts and observations
  • Promote curiosity and learning
5. Math Skills
  • Start recognizing the numbers 0-10
  • Learn simple math skills with representational objects
  • Add and subtract with objects
6. Language Skills
  • Children develop the vocabulary base to express themselves and can communicate in complete sentances
  • Help develop each child’s rhyming word knowledge
  • Able to follow spoken instructions
  • Produce complete answers to questions
  • Children feel comfortable engaging in conversation
7. Judaic Learning
  • Recognize each holiday
  • Children become proud to do a Mitzvah
  • Know the Davening and join in circle time
  • Be familiar with the symbols and routines for Shabbat