Mayan Chai - Torah Thoughts 
Time: 1:30 pm Shabbat Afternoon
Location: Chabad of Irvine
Instructor: Rebbetzin Binie Tenenbaum


Our Philosophy


"Living Waters" Chasidic insight of the Rebbe to the weekly Torah Portion. Translated from the original Hebrew Text .



Rosh Chodesh


Time:  7:45pm  
Location: Tenenbaum's Home
Instructor: Rebbetzin Binie Tenenbaum

Once a month, Monday night around Rosh Chodesh, Chabad Women get together for a Women's Class.  

This year's course, "A Work of Heart" explores prayers.  Should we pray? Granted, prayer has been a key feature of Jewish life for four millennia. But what is its goal, how is it done, and why are ancient and formal rituals relevant to us nowadays? This course flings the cover off the Jewish prayer book, the prayer services, and the synagogue—exposing the beating and beautiful heart of prayer that breathes within. It reveals prayer as an art and an opportunity, a means of human-to-G‑d bonding, a journey of self-discovery, a perspective changer, and an exercise in self-empowerment.

Join us for an evening of lively discussion, laughter and learning.

For more information visit us here!